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The NORMAN network is a non-profit association of all interested stakeholders dealing with emerging substances. NORMAN has adopted its Statutes and Internal Regulations under the French law of 1901 on non-profit organisations.

NORMAN has three categories of members:

  1. Founding Members (Voting Members);
  2. Ordinary Members (Voting Members);
  3. Associate Members.

List of NORMAN members [ARCHIVE]

If you wish to join the NORMAN network in 2025, your organisation will have to fill in and sign the Declaration of Membership, according to the provisions of Article 6 of the Statutes of the Association.

Membership category Membership fee 2025
Founding Members: €10 000
Ordinary Members1: €2 500

1 The fee can be reduced to €1000 for Ordinary Members providing an in-kind contribution, according to the provisions listed under Article 2 of the Internal Regulations.

You can also contact:
Valeria DULIO - Executive Secretary of the NORMAN Association
INERIS, Direction Milieu et Impact sur le Vivant (MIV)
Rue Jacques Taffanel - Parc Technologique ALATA
F-60550 Verneuil-en-Halatte,
E-mail address: