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Non-Target Screening embedded in (Open Access) Platforms and its role in various disciplines
The ‘SWEMSA 16’ workshop was organised as a follow-up of the exciting dialogue started at the ‘Non-Target Conference 2016’ in Ascona.
The workshop programme covered the following topics:
- ‘Open access platforms in Non-Target Screening (NTS)’,
- ‘Commercial software solutions in NTS’,
- ‘Holistic NTS workflows and solutions’,
- ‘NTS in epidemiology, toxicology, molecule de-gradation in environmental analysis’,
- ‘NTS and linkages to different disciplines’.
Leading scientists from the NORMAN network, ESSEM COST Action ES1307, ESSEM COST Action ES1202 and NEREUS-COST Action ES1403 participated in this event.
Participants from these consortia and from various disciplines, such as chemistry, food, forensic, informatics, toxicology and instrumental analysis jointly discussed latest developments.
SWEMSA combines and intends to harmonise for the first time analytical topics among the NORMAN- and the three environmental COST Action initiatives.
The overall aim of SWEMSA is to organise a series of meetings to identify the various common aspects of NTS with a view to future actions towards harmonisation, to extend the use of software and workflow strategies and to learn about the potential of NTS applied in various disciplines.
The conclusions of the workshop will soon be available on this website.